We all know the movie Christmas Story, right? One of my favorite scenes is when Ralphie scrambles to get his decoder and hides in the bathroom to start decoding the mysterious code to find out what Orphan Annie's secret message of the week was. After waiting for what seemed like years for his decoder to come in the mail, he could finally participate with lots of other young listeners in what seemed to be the most important weekly radio special. Lo and behold, he discovered that the message held no great significance, but merely advertising..."BE SURE TO DRINK MORE OVALTINE."
Though Ovaltine is delicious and nutritious, it's no match nutritionally compared to green tea! Countless studies have been done to find out why this tea is so highly valued in the East.
The benefits scientists have found in this tea by far outweigh the one possible side effect, insomnia, because of the caffeine amount if consumed shortly before bedtime. Although, the caffeine amount in green tea is far less than in black teas.
According to Harvard Health, green tea is high in flavonoids, which are antioxidants naturally found in the plant itself. Green tea is also loaded with catechins which are found to be more potent than vitamins C and E as far as in preventing oxidative damage to cells as well as other disease fighting properties. Antioxidants are also good for promoting good cholesterol (HDL) and warding off bad cholesterol (LDL), which can help the arteries to function at a more optimal rate.
The reason green tea's antioxidant content is so much higher than black or oolong teas' is because of the way the green tea leaves are processed. They are withered and steamed instead of the normal fermentation process done to black or oolong leaves.
Studies have shown that drinking green tea on a regular basis can inhibit the growth of several types of cancer such as breast, stomach, pancreatic, and lung cancers. The caffeine amount in green tea aids in weight loss, helping with fat cell oxidation, breaking its compounds down to eventual elimination.
For those of you currently taking these sort of medications, it is highly encouraged not to drink green tea because of the way the tea's chemical properties could affect the potency of the medication: Adenosine, Antibiotics, Benzodiazepines, Beta-Blockers, Propanolol, Metoprolol, Blood Thinning Medicine (such as aspirin), Chemotherapy, Clozapine, Ephedrine, Lithium, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, Oral Contraceptives, and Phenylpropanolamine. Please check with your health care provider first.
Experts at Harvard suggest that you drink three cups a day. Once you heat the water, allow the tea bag to steep (sit in the cup and brew) for 3-5 minutes. You can add honey not only sweeten it, but it takes the bite out of the bitter taste. For the most health benefit, drink it freshly brewed. You won't get the same catechin amount in commercially brewed teas in cans and bottles.
Without all the trouble of a decoder, we'll let you know the secret to better health..."BE SURE TO DRINK MORE GREEN TEA!"
Tandee Phillips
Lead Therapist
Pleasant Grove Location
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