Two simple words...epsom salt, but it's also known as magnesium sulfate as well. Yep, you heard me right!
Everyone has it in their bathroom cabinets which have probably been untouched for awhile, except for that occasional foot soak. But, who really has looked into its benefits? You might be surprised at what you're about to read. You also might find yourself stocking up on it the next time you're at the store. I did once I learned about the benefits of this tried and true remedy. But, before I talk about it's benefits, I need to bring up this point so you can understand why it can be such a great benefit to us.
The one thing about the American diet is that it's by far lacking the magnesium that we need due to the changes in our agricultural conditions as well as our poor diet choices. Magnesium and calcium go hand in hand to help our bodies process minerals. Calcium needs magnesium to be metabolized. I think it's safe to say that most Americans are good about getting enough calcium (ice cream, anyone?), but without magnesium, it's intended beneficial physiological purpose is useless. It's been proven in studies that magnesium deficiencies can cause certain health issues such as heart disease, strokes, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive problems, stress related illnesses, and chronic fatigue. Who would have thought?
So, here's an easy way to make sure you get a healthy dose of magnesium as well as let the stress of the day melt away. Mix two cups of epsom salt in a comfortably hot bath and soak away! You're killing two birds with one stone so to speak! Soak 30 minutes at least if you're pressed for time, but do it for one hour and really feel the difference! It flushes out heavy toxins and metals from the body which help reduce muscle pain and tension. Experts say that a bath three times a week will give you the greatest benefit. For those of you who are pregnant, please check with your doctor first before doing this.
Other benefits of this wonderful soak include improved circulation, reducing irregular heartbeats, improved ability for the body to use insulin which could reduce the incidence or severity of diabetes, improved oxygen use, improved nutrient absorption, and improved formation of brain tissue, joint proteins and mucus proteins which helps to increase our immunity.
Another benefit is that it's a great skin exfoliator! Mix a handful of salt in 1 tablespoon of either bath oil or olive oil, rub over moist skin, then use a sponge or wash cloth to wash off. Beauty doesn't have to come with a high price!
I hope this simple, yet highly effective mineral has climbed the ladder of importance in your thinking. Once you try it, you'll always have a bag in stock.
Tandee Phillips, LMT
Lead Therapist
Rogers, Arkansas
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