Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Q & Ahhh: April 12, 2011

Q & Ahhh is our monthly segment where we get the experts at Massage Envy to answer your questions!  In honor of Mother's Day (coming up in less than a month!), this edition of Q & Ahhh is all about moms:

Q: Is it safe for my elderly mother to receive massage?

A: Geriatric massage is designed to address the specific needs of the elderly population. This type of massage uses gentle and light application of massage techniques and can include passive stretching. Geriatric massage can help us maintain and improve overall health even as we are aging. It also has been shown to relieve anxiety and depression and provide comfort especially to touch-deprived elderly clients.
Find a therapist who is trained in providing this type of massage and be sure to check with your mother's physician to ensure her condition is stable enough to receive hands-on therapy. Once the doctor gives approval, I recommend scheduling sessions for you and your mother together for her first visit to ensure she has a comfortable and relaxing experience.

- C.G. Funk, Licensed Massage Therapist and Vice President of Industry Relations and Product Development for Massage Envy

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Be Sure To Drink More Green Tea!

We all know the movie Christmas Story, right?  One of my favorite scenes is when Ralphie scrambles to get his decoder and hides in the bathroom to start decoding the mysterious code to find out what Orphan Annie's secret message of the week was. After waiting for what seemed like years for his decoder to come in the mail, he could finally participate with lots of other young listeners in what seemed to be the most important weekly radio special.  Lo and behold, he discovered that the message held no great significance, but merely advertising..."BE SURE TO DRINK MORE OVALTINE."  

Though Ovaltine is delicious and nutritious, it's no match nutritionally compared to green tea!  Countless studies have been done to find out why this tea is so highly valued in the East. 

The benefits scientists have found in this tea by far outweigh the one possible side effect, insomnia, because of the caffeine amount if consumed shortly before bedtime. Although, the caffeine amount in green tea is far less than in black teas. 

According to Harvard Health, green tea is high in flavonoids, which are antioxidants naturally found in the plant itself.  Green tea is also loaded with catechins which are found to be more potent than vitamins C and E as far as in preventing oxidative damage to cells as well as other disease fighting properties.  Antioxidants are also good for promoting good cholesterol (HDL) and warding off bad cholesterol (LDL), which can help the arteries to function at a more optimal rate. 

The reason green tea's antioxidant content is so much higher than black or oolong teas' is because of the way the green tea leaves are processed.  They are withered and steamed instead of the normal fermentation process done to black or oolong leaves.

Studies have shown that drinking green tea on a regular basis can inhibit the growth of several types of cancer such as breast, stomach, pancreatic, and lung cancers.  The caffeine amount in green tea aids in weight loss, helping with fat cell oxidation, breaking its compounds down to eventual elimination.

For those of you currently taking these sort of medications, it is highly encouraged not to drink green tea because of the way the tea's chemical properties could affect the potency of the medication:  Adenosine, Antibiotics, Benzodiazepines, Beta-Blockers, Propanolol, Metoprolol, Blood Thinning Medicine (such as aspirin), Chemotherapy, Clozapine, Ephedrine, Lithium, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, Oral Contraceptives, and Phenylpropanolamine.  Please check with your health care provider first.

Experts at Harvard suggest that you drink three cups a day.  Once you heat the water, allow the tea bag to steep (sit in the cup and brew) for 3-5 minutes.  You can add honey not only sweeten it, but it takes the bite out of the bitter taste.  For the most health benefit, drink it freshly brewed.  You won't get the same catechin amount in commercially brewed teas in cans and bottles.

Without all the trouble of a decoder, we'll let you know the secret to better health..."BE SURE TO DRINK MORE GREEN TEA!"

Tandee Phillips
Lead Therapist
Pleasant Grove Location

Friday, April 1, 2011

Relief at Last

Before getting a driver's license or graduating from high school, Erin Knight had already shouldered an adult burden: chronic headaches. "I started having problems with headaches in high school," says Knight, 26, who lives in the Seattle area. "I think all the studying and computer time may have been a trigger for chronically tight muscles."
For more than 10 years, Knight battled migraines and tension headaches up to two or three days a week. "I blamed the weather, hormones, my diet or allergies. I never thought I would be able to live headache-free," she says.
Her doctor recommended a restrictive diet, but following its challenging list of foods to avoid didn't bring Knight relief.
Pain medicine wasn't a perfect solution either, since one side effect was stomach problems. She was able to effectively stop migraines by taking prescription medication. "But I worried about its long-term effects," she says.
Knight wanted to do better than treat a headache once it showed up. She wanted freedom from the disruption of chronic headaches. "It was just one more thing to worry about on a big day," Knight says. "It seemed like whenever I had a big test or a job interview, I would get a headache."
A breakthrough came in fall 2009 when Knight joined Massage Envy in Beachwood, Ohio, where she was living at the time. "through deep tissue and trigger point massage, my massage therapist, Carrie, worked miracles," she says. "Not only do I go months without a headache, but I sleep better and have better posture. Working through chronic tension has helped me learn body awareness so I can correct small imbalances before they turn into bigger problems."
After years of chronic pain, regular massage has changed Knight's life. "I consider it as important as exercising and eating well," she says. "I encourage friends to think of massage as a tool for health management, not a luxurious experience."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pleasant Grove Therapist Spotlight - Malcolm Cross

Malcolm has been at the Pleasant Grove location since opening and has done 3,065 hours of massage!  He is also one of our lead therapists!

His favorite types of massage to do are trigger point as well as deep tissue.  His technique and pressure is smooth and deep, creating a relaxing experience as well as getting into the deeper layers of muscle hold ups.

He has always been a big supporter of holistic healing and later decided that massage therapy would help lead him to a career path where he
could provide that for others.

His favorite quote is, "We are all one or none."  His interests outside of doing massage are human rights activism, spreading world peace, hiking, traveling, and anything else that is fun and adventurous!

He says the greatest part about being a massage therapist is being able to help people with their muscular pain issues through natural means. 

Send Pain Packing!

As if your day weren’t full enough, here it comes — the unwelcome intrusion of a headache. It might be the vise grip of a tension headache, the pressure and ache of sinus pain, or the throbbing pain and nausea of a migraine. But you want it gone.
Before you simply pop a pill, “Take a step back and ask, ‘Why am I getting this headache?’ ” says Tara C. Sharma, M.D., board member of the American Association of Integrative Medicine.
Create friendly head space
Headaches can be a wake-up call from your body, inviting you to pay more attention to taking care of yourself. “Making yourself a priority isn’t selfish,” Dr. Sharma says. “It’s an investment in your well-being.”
Arrange the rhythms of your day to make room for regular meals and adequate rest since hunger and tiredness trigger headaches. And keep your mind and body on speaking terms through enjoyable exercise and relaxing rituals. Practice yoga, take an evening bath or, like Dr. Sharma, get a weekly massage.
Even a single massage may boost your body’s immune response, suggests a 2010 study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Fewer colds can mean fewer sinus infections and headaches.
Ease the Ache 
When a headache does come calling, how do you chase it away? Since overuse of medication can trigger rebound headaches, consider these tips:
1. Try a little do-it-yourself acupressure. Press your thumb into the web between your opposite thumb and index finger. Hold for 30 to 40 seconds to relieve headache pain. Repeat on the other side.
2. Steam away sinus pain and pressure. Put a few drops of eucalyptus and tea tree oil in a bowl of boiling water and breathe in the steam to relieve congestion.
3. Breathe. Slow, deep breaths short-circuit the fight-or-flight stress response and activate the calming effects of the parasympathetic nervous system, Dr. Sharma explains.
“The jungle out there is not going to change,” Dr. Sharma says. “It’s how you respond to stress that makes a difference.”

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stand Up to Back Pain

Chronic back pain is the second most common cause of disability and a top reason for missing work. We all know the soreness associated with an overly exuberant exercise session. But did you know that most Americans experience pain as the result of improper posture while sitting and standing? It’s true, we can cause back pain by just sitting. Being overweight, poor posture, and repetitive or overuse movements all can put strain on the low back, as can sleeping on a bad mattress and using a workstation that isn’t set up ergonomically.
So literally, it’s time to stand up to back pain. Changing your posture and position change help ease lower back pain. If you have a desk job, plan in short breaks every half-hour or so to stand, stretch and walk around for a few minutes.
Therapeutic massage gets to the root of the pain by relaxing those tight muscles and addressing trigger points to put a stop to the pain cycle. Massage also increases blood flow to the affected muscles, which brings in healing oxygen and nutrients, and helps remove the waste products of cellular metabolism. All of this activity reduces swelling and stiffness and increases flexibility to help eliminate pain. Massage therapy also releases endorphins and boosts your levels of serotonin and dopamine, all hormones your body produces to help you feel good, promote healing and pain management, and calm the nerves sending those cyclical pain signals.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Q & Ahhh: March 3, 2010

Introducing the Q & Ahhh column!  Each month, we'll answer one of our reader's questions.  Here's the first:

Q: How does receiving massage help reduce stress?

A: We all know that certain types of constant stress in our lives are not healthy. But did you know that recent evidence indicates the physical changes associated with stress may contribute to the leading causes of death – heart disease and cancer. In addition, stress can create and/or exacerbate many physical and emotional conditions such as chronic fatigue, digestive upset, headaches, back pain, high blood pressure and risk of stroke.

A recent study conducted by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles recruited 53 healthy adults and assigned them to receive deep tissue, Swedish and light touch massage. Blood samples were taken immediately before the massage and up to an hour afterward. The researchers found that a single session of massage caused biological changes.

Volunteers showed significant decreases in levels of the stress hormone cortisol. They also had increases in white blood cells that are part of the immune system.  Volunteers experienced greater increases in a hormone associated with contentment and bigger decreases in adrenal hormone, which stimulates the adrenal glands to release cortisol. While cortisol is an important and helpful part of the body’s response to stress, higher and prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream, such as those associated with chronic stress, have been shown to have negative effects. What this study shows is that receiving massage actually activates the body on an internal level to respond and correct the physiological imbalance caused by our stressful lives.

- C.G. Funk, Licensed Massage Therapist and Vice President of Industry
Relations and Product Development for Massage Envy

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why I LOVE Massage Envy at Pleasant Grove!!

"I have been getting massages at Massage Envy at Pleasant Grove for three years almost on a weekly basis. They are all fabulous, the location is convenient and the it's cost effective for me! Thank you Massage Envy!!" ~ Kathy

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stress Relief and Relaxation

Massage Therapy Relieves Stress
Stress management is a key component for anyone striving to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Massage therapy has been proven to be one of the most effective methods for achieving stress relief. Research studies show massage therapy actually boosts the body’s immune system, which can become compromised from extended periods of stress.
Enrolling in a reputable massage therapy program leads to significantly increased energy levels, the reduction of nagging pains, and the improvement of our overall physical and mental performance.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Let It Linger

Aahhh. That hit the spot.
Like an ice cream cone on a hot day or a steaming cup of cocoa on a cold one, a well-timed massage can satisfy both physical and emotional needs. But how frustrating it can be to feel your tension return the moment you step outside the treatment room.
So, when you invest in your next massage, take steps to make that post-massage feeling last as long as possible.
1. Schedule smartly. While getting a massage can be a great way to spend a lunch hour, sometimes the beneficial effects of a midday massage are instantly erased by a hectic workday. “I realize sometimes you just have to fit one in when you can,” says Laura Allen, a massage therapist and author of A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Business and Plain and Simple Guide to Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Examinations. “But I try to schedule my massage at the end of the day so I can go home and rest.” Allen suggests making your appointment for after work or on your day off-when a noontime appointment is perfect. “That way, you don’t have to fall right back into your busy life,” she says.
2. Pump down the volume. When you get into your car after a massage, avoid loud rock music and opt for relaxing tunes, Allen suggests. Skip the news, too. Stories about the economy can raise your blood pressure – which you just spent an hour bringing down.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February Pleasant Grove Therapist Spolight - Angel Lerch

February Pleasant Grove Therapist Spotlight -
Angel Lerch, LMT

Angel has been at the Pleasant Grove location for two years and has done 1,590 hours of massage!

Angel enjoys doing deep tissue, prenatal and reflexology massages.  She is known for giving wonderful deep pressure!

What sparked her interest in massage came when she was in high school and she would give classmates shoulder massages to and from basketball games as well as in Bible class. 

Her favorite quote is, "You can hate me now, but you'll thank me later."

Outside of massage, she enjoys any outdoor activities with her kids such as camping, hiking, and fishing.

She says that the best part of being a therapist is getting to see improvements in her clients' muscle conditions over time.  It's a very rewarding profession to be in!

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's a Stretch

Muscle injuries are more common now than they were 50 years ago. That’s not because we’re exercising harder. It’s because we’re more sedentary.
As a result, stretching is more important than ever, says Erin McGill, a certified personal trainer and training and development manager for the National Academy of Sports Medicine. A lot of people think, ‘Oh, I should stretch because I don’t want to pull muscles or be injured,’ she says. But stretching is also one of the best ways to undo the damage caused by inactivity.
Stretching has benefits similar to massage’s. It gets the blood flowing to overactive muscles that have contracted because of stress or immobility. Without a good stretch, these muscles can spasm and shut down-and then show up as the marblelike knots that get extra attention from your massage therapist.
In fact, regular massage can improve your flexibility and range of motion, keeping your joints more fluid and making them less injury prone. McGill recommends 10 to 15 minutes of stretching before each workout to rebalance your body. And if you don’t exercise, stretch anyway. “It’s hard on your body to sit at a desk all day,” McGill says, “so stretch anytime you can.”
Here are three stretches you can do anytime:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

S - T - R - E - S - S = America's #1 Killer

It's everywhere and all around us, whether at home or on the go. It affects our family, friends, and countless others across the world.  Whether we realize it or not, stress takes a high toll on our bodies and if we don't become active in the way we manage it, the results can be negatively life altering.  

According to WebMD, 43% of adults suffer adverse health effects from stress.  Seventy to 90% of doctor visits are for stress related ailments and conditions.  Stress costs the American industry more than $300 billion annually.

Unmanaged stress can lead to a condition called distress.  Distress can lead to several health complications and ailments such as headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, insomnia, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression and anxiety.  Stress also decreases the body's ability to fight disease and can leave one open and susceptible to getting sick easier.

Because life isn't presenting any promises of the stress levels going down, we have to find ways to manage it so we can continue to live a healthy life. Here are a few tips to think about and try:

1) Look on the bright side...think positive! Scientific studies have linked healthier brains to positive thinking where negative thinkers were found to have toxidity from memories and attitudes that pollute the brain causing memory lapse and possible disease later in life.

2) Watch your emotional response. We can't change people or situations, but we can certainly control our own reactions. Think through situations ahead of time and prepare yourself to handle it with a positive response. Or if something takes you by surprise, ask yourself this question, "In the light of eternity, is this something worth fighting for?"  Most of the time, you'll end up answering no.

3) Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.  If you've had a bad day at work, call up one of your besties and go out for coffee or a walk in the park.  Join a group or club with a fun common interest such as scrapbooking or cooking.  For the guys, go out to a field and shoot targets.  After awhile, you'll find that whatever bothered you that day doesn't really matter because you're having fun with people you love.

4) Get a massage!!!  Yes, mark it in your calendar to schedule yourself a massage at your local Massage Envy clinic.  You need "me" time!  Massage helps release serotonin, a good feeling hormone that helps to combat the stress and bring a more balanced feeling to the body.  It also helps increase circulation, metabolism, immunity, lowers blood pressure as well as detoxifies the body of lactic acid build up which causes muscles to feel tight and sore.  It's time well spent!

Remember, a less stressful you means a healthier you!!

Tandee Phillips, LMT
Lead Therapist
Rogers, Arkansas

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Healing Touch

You’ve heard the saying, “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.” But wouldn’t a more pleasant prescription be, “Have a massage and call me in the morning”? While massage may never replace traditional medicine, it has been found to be an effective complement to western treatment.
“Back when I was in massage school in the ’80s, the role of massage in public health practically didn’t exist. It was for people with a little money to burn,” says Ruth Werner, a licensed massage practitioner who is nationally certified in therapeutic massage and bodywork and author of A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology. “Within a very short period of time, people were talking about massage for health reasons. In 2009, the number of people using massage in healthcare has skyrocketed.”
And it’s not just stress and back pain being treated. Massage has been linked to the reduction or management of symptoms associated with many conditions. Here are just a few.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 2011 Massage Envy Pleasant Grove Therapist Spotlight - Kirby Nicole Moten

Kirby Nicole Moten, LMT

Kirby has been an Arkansas Licensed Massage Therapist at the Pleasant Grove location for over a year and has done 780 hours of massage so far!

Her passion is giving clients a soothing swedish session to melt the stress and cares of the day away.  She also loves giving our prenatal clients a wonderful pampering experience that not only benefits the mother, but baby as well!

Kirby has always had a heart to reach out to the hurting and when deciding on a career path, she thought about going into the medical field, but decided that massage therapy was a more suitable choice for her instead.

Her favorite quote is, "Anything is possible!"

In her free time, she loves to go horseback riding and also enjoys reading, sewing, shopping, hiking and dancing.

She says the best part of being a massage therapist is that it is a rewarding experience in that she feels like she is giving back to her community something special, the gift of compassionate touch, that improves the quality of life for many!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pain, Pain Go Away

We’ve all experienced pain at one time or another. But unless you live with chronic pain, it’s tough to understand how severely it can infringe on your quality of life.
Massage therapy is one of the many treatments available for chronic pain. Diana L. Thompson, a licensed massage practitioner and president of the Massage Therapy Foundation, has seen firsthand how massage therapy can help people with chronic pain.
She participated in a study of various treatments for lower-back pain, including massage therapy. “With massage therapy, we were able to see positive results after as few as eight massage sessions,” Thompson says. “And the relief continued for up to a year after the participants stopped receiving the massages.”
Another benefit of massage therapy, Thompson points out, is the education massage therapists can provide during a series of sessions. “We can help people retrain their thinking so they can establish a better relationship with their own body,” she explains. “Then they can make decisions about how to take care of themselves, such as knowing when it’s time for a massage, or to use an ice pack, or to do some stretching exercises or just take a break.”
Lower-back pain and neck pain are among the most common types of chronic pain, but massage therapy can be beneficial for many other issues (see “Helping Hands”). If you suffer from chronic pain, be sure to tell your massage therapist about your condition. Share as much information as you can about how the pain is affecting your life, including specific activities you’re having trouble with or avoiding because of pain.
“Really think about the results of massage in terms of your ability to participate more in your own life,” Thompson says. “We might not be able to get rid of the pain completely, but we can help you be much more functional and comfortable in your daily life.”

Friday, January 7, 2011

Epsom Salt - Tried, True, And Coming Back

After a long day at work, what do you do to cope with the daily stress?  What about for those achy and sore muscles or possibly a nagging tension headache?  Most Americans would reach for the pain relievers, but why not try something else instead?  Something natural, something that could be more effective?

Two simple words...epsom salt, but it's also known as magnesium sulfate as well. Yep, you heard me right!

Everyone has it in their bathroom cabinets which have probably been untouched for awhile, except for that occasional foot soak.  But, who really has looked into its benefits?  You might be surprised at what you're about to read.  You also might find yourself stocking up on it the next time you're at the store.  I did once I learned about the benefits of this tried and true remedy. But, before I talk about it's benefits, I need to bring up this point so you can understand why it can be such a great benefit to us.

The one thing about the American diet is that it's by far lacking the magnesium that we need due to the changes in our agricultural conditions as well as our poor diet choices.  Magnesium and calcium go hand in hand to help our bodies process minerals.  Calcium needs magnesium to be metabolized.  I think it's safe to say that most Americans are good about getting enough calcium (ice cream, anyone?), but without magnesium, it's intended beneficial physiological purpose is useless. 

It's been proven in studies that magnesium deficiencies can cause certain health issues such as heart disease, strokes, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive problems, stress related illnesses, and chronic fatigue.  Who would have thought?

So, here's an easy way to make sure you get a healthy dose of magnesium as well as let the stress of the day melt away.  Mix two cups of epsom salt in a comfortably hot bath and soak away!  You're killing two birds with one stone so to speak!  Soak 30 minutes at least if you're pressed for time, but do it for one hour and really feel the difference!  It flushes out heavy toxins and metals from the body which help reduce muscle pain and tension. Experts say that a bath three times a week will give you the greatest benefit. For those of you who are pregnant, please check with your doctor first before doing this. 

Other benefits of this wonderful soak include improved circulation, reducing irregular heartbeats, improved ability for the body to use insulin which could reduce the incidence or severity of diabetes, improved oxygen use, improved nutrient absorption, and improved formation of brain tissue, joint proteins and mucus proteins which helps to increase our immunity.

Another benefit is that it's a great skin exfoliator!  Mix a handful of salt in 1 tablespoon of either bath oil or olive oil, rub over moist skin, then use a sponge or wash cloth to wash off.  Beauty doesn't have to come with a high price!

I hope this simple, yet highly effective mineral has climbed the ladder of importance in your thinking.  Once you try it, you'll always have a bag in stock.

Tandee Phillips, LMT
Lead Therapist
Rogers, Arkansas

Sense-sational Massage

The scent of Play-Doh. The crunch of fresh snow under your feet. The sound of a music box.
Our senses are powerful, and they affect all our experiences. And engaging multiple senses simultaneously makes for richer experiences and more enduring memories.
Massage may be the ultimate when it comes to the sense of touch, but it, too, can be enhanced by involving other senses.
“When other senses are engaged during massage, it tends to be a more enjoyable experience,” says Anne Williams, a massage therapist and director of education for Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals. “Enhancers add a wow factor-a richness that might not have otherwise been there.”
Here are four ways the senses can be heightened during massage: